- Hardcover: 672 pages
- Publisher: Apress (May 16, 2005)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1590594525
Three powerful technologies Remoting, Reflection, and Threading are combined in a single book! And when these technologies come together, you are faced with a powerful range of tools that allow you to run code faster, more securely, and more flexibly. (And performance gains are critical in todays industry!) So youll be able to code applications across the spectrumfrom a single machine to an entire network.
This book begins by discussing the most fundamental of the three techniques: .NET Remoting in VB.NETwhich allows you to customize your application communication processes. The next portion of the book covers Reflection, which allows you to examine code at run time, regardless of prior knowledge of its structure. Finally, the book explores Threading, which helps break up your application into multiple, independent threads.
About the Author
A biography is not currently available for this author. Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati is a senior developer for Brain Force (http://www.brainforce.com). A prolific writer on cutting-edge technologies, he has contributed to over a dozen books on .NET, C#, Visual Basic, and ASP.NET. He is a .NET MCSD and lives in Milan, Italy. Syed Fahad Gilani has more than 15 years of experience in computing. He sold his first program at the age of ten. A biography is not currently available for this author. A biography is not currently available for this author. A biography is not currently available for this author.Benny Mathew is the Managing Director & CEO of Seamless Integration Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He has 10+ years of formal experience in the IT industry and has provided services to companies like IBM, Hewlett Packard, Thomson Financials, Delphi Software. He was awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for two consecutive years. Prior to starting on his own, he was with Two Connect Inc. (Miami, FL), working as a Solutions Architect.
He is also a prolific writer and has co-authored several books and articles on .NET and BizTalk 2004/2006 for leading book publishers and developer portals such as Packt Publishing, Wrox Press, Apress, DevX, ASPToday, CSharpToday and DeveloperFusion. During his free time, Benny likes to read and write blogs and help people on the newsgroups related to BizTalk.
His fascination for computers started at the age of 14, when he first learnt to program on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum+, which also motivated him to relentlessly pursue his formal education in computers that culminated with a Masters in Computer Applications from University of Mysore, India.
You can reach via his website: www.seamless.in, or his blog: GeeksWithBlogs.net/benny
Andy Olsen is a freelance consultant engaged in training, consultancy, and development work in Microsoft .NET and related technologies. Andy studied physics at Southampton University in England, and he began his professional life as a C developer. As the 1990s came and went, Andy migrated into C++, Visual Basic, Java, and OO analysis and design using UML. He has been using Microsoft development tools and technologies since 1987, and has fond memories and many tall stories to tell of times gone by. A biography for this author is not available. A biography is not currently available for this author. Tejaswi Redkar is a software architect and a consultant. He has a master’s degree in enterprise software from San Jose State University. He has experience in architecting service-oriented systems in the financial, telemetry, and e-commerce domains. He is an experienced .NET author and has contributed three books and more than 15 articles to the .NET community. Srinivasa Sivakumar is a writer and developer focused in web- and wireless-releated technologies. He is also a coauthor of Beginning ASP.NET and numerous articles for many technical journals. He likes to watch Tamil movies and listen to Tamil soundtracks whenever he finds the time. Visit his Blog World to learn more about his professional involvements. Beginning at the age of 10, programming BASIC on an ATARI 800XL, Tobin Titus has seen more than his fair share of technologies come and go. His most recent experiences have been designing and implementing solutions for the .NET platform. Holding a MCAD and MCSD “Early Achiever” certifications, he was asked by Microsoft to help design the next generation developer certification track. He has previously co-authored three books for Wrox Press and served as technical editor for countless others. Currently, Tobin is a senior developer/analyst for TiBA Solutions, a Greenville, South Carolina-based technology firm that provides customized information technology solutions to meet mission-critical business needs. TiBA Solutions offers a full line of services: business consulting, project management, and customized software application design and development. He can be reached at authorresponse@titus.to.